Links -- The Kashkari Edition (October 20, 2009)
Oct 20, 2009 at 6:49 PM
DailyBail in banks, links, links, neel kashkari, sec wall street

Tonight's links are an experiment in formatting gone wrong.  They are in honor of former TARP chief Neel Kashkari, who came out of hiding earlier today to blow some more smoke up your..


Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Obama administration advisers said U.S. banks bailed out with taxpayer funds have responsibility to support the president’s effort to overhaul the rules for Wall Street and avoid future financial crises.

White House officials say they are frustrated that major financial firms are fighting President Barack Obama on the regulatory overhaul after taxpayer bailouts helped firms restore profits and near-record compensation for executives.


Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. regulators should consider breaking up large financial institutions considered “too big to fail,” former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said.

Those banks have an implicit subsidy allowing them to borrow at lower cost because lenders believe the government will always step in to guarantee their obligations. That squeezes out competition and creates a danger to the financial system, Greenspan told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

“If they’re too big to fail, they’re too big,” Greenspan said today. “In 1911 we broke up Standard Oil -- so what happened? The individual parts became more valuable than the whole. Maybe that’s what we need to do.”


Greenspan Video from the CFR Speech


Timeline: Crisis On Wall Street


Fed becomes reluctant landlord


Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow


Jimmy Cayne’s Desk Drawer Of Fun


Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/19/09: We Must Reverse This Destructive Course!


Hank Paulson Held A Secret Meeting With Goldman Sachs In Moscow


Attorney Richard Greenfield Brands Mary Schapiro and FINRA Execs as “Liars”


Are the Fed, the Congress and the Primary Dealers an Alliance of Convenience?


Wall Street in Turmoil (photo gallery)



Rakoff Gets Galleon Case And Will Bharara Become the Great Preetinder?


Buffett Says Wall Street Pay Must Have ‘Downside’


NYC Judge Tosses Suit Against Biden's Son, Brother


Wall Street on edge as SEC top cop gets aggressive


Prosecutor in Galleon Case Makes a Splash



The substantial remainder of today's links are in comments below.


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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