Larry Kudlow Annihilates Bernanke; Bunning Goes FED Headhunting (VIDEO)
Jan 27, 2010 at 4:53 AM
DailyBail in CNBC, bernanke, bernanke, federal reserve, federal reserve, harry reid, jim bunning, larry kudlow, video, video, wall street

Video:  Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) with CNBC's Larry Kudlow -- January 25, 2010

Did Bernanke promise a Fed Quid Pro Quo?  Kudlow gets aggresive.


For the first 3 or 4 minutes, Kudlow torches Bernanke.  Seriously.  Yes, Larry sucks on the teet of the Street, and he supported TARP, but he's right on Bernanke.  He wants to know if Bernanke caved to Reid and promised to keep rates low for an extended period, and perhaps even extend the $1.25 trillion MBS purchase sideshow.

Honestly I didn't watch it beyond the first minute of Bunning, because I have 2 more Bunning, Fed, Bernanke stories coming that are occupying my attention.  And they're really, really good.  Stay tuned.


(Just a is at the top)



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