KC Fed President Thomas Hoenig -- Complete Interview With CNBC's Steve Liesman (Jackson Hole Video)
Sep 1, 2010 at 10:06 PM
DailyBail in economy, economy, federal reserve, federal reserve, jackson hole, thomas hoenig, video

Excellent interview from last week.  I've got the full 8-minute clip, a 1-minute excerpt, the transcript, a summary, an interesting lnk on 'Fed Group Think' at Jackson Hole, plus a selected Hoenig archive.  It's a solid collection. 

You already know the story on Hoenig.  He's the lone voice of QE dissent at the Fed, preferring tighter money over the Bernanke helicopter.

Video:  Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig with Steve Liesman from the Fed conference in Jackson Hole -- Aired Aug. 26, 2010


An excellent piece from Bloomberg:


One-minute interview excerpt below:

CNBC Video:  Steve Liesman with KC Fed President Thomas Hoenig

Short excerpt.  Runs 1 minute.  Hoenig remains confident in the so-called recovery.


Hoenig partial archive:










Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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