Just 5% Of People Account For 50% Of U.S. Health Care Spending, Ron Paul Tells CNN The U.S. Should Declare BANKRUPTCY!, GOP Willing To Agree To Defense Cuts For A Debt Deal, Why The Dow Will Plunge To 7,000 (LINKS)
Jun 30, 2011 at 1:00 AM
DailyBail in links, links

There is not a weak link in tonight's group of 20.

SHOCK REPORT - Just 5% of People Account for 50% of U.S. Health Care Spending

Fed President Thomas Hoenig: Biggest banks put ‘future of capitalism’ at risk

Ron Paul: The U.S. should declare BANKRUPTCY!

Reuters Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains

Federal Withholding Tax Data Says The US Is ALREADY In A Recession

Did the FDIC really kill the repo market? - Chris Whalen Reuters Blog

Obama Proposes $600 Billion In Tax Hikes For Debt Deal - These Aren't Bad At All

SHOCK - GOP Willing To Agree To Defense Cuts For A Debt Ceiling Deal

Can Congress Read?

Here's Why The US Is An Even Bigger Kleptocracy Than Greece

What The New Greek Austerity Really Means - The 10 Big Changes

Why The Dow Will Plunge To 7,000 - Marketwatch

Oregon judge voids foreclosure sale, casting huge doubt on others

Anti-TSA pat-down bill Officially DIES in Texas Legislature

NWO Fears Realized - Brown advocates for ONE-WORLD parliament

My degree isn't worth the debt! - CNN Slideshow

BANKS WIN AGAIN - When The Fed Reversed Course Today On Debit Card Swipe Fees, This Is What Happened To Visa - 1-Minute CHART

The Biggest Republican Mastermind And The Biggest Democrat Fundraiser Literally Work For The Same Company - James Altucher (Must Read)




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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