Jon Stewart On Wisconsin Protests: "Taking Away A Union's Right To Collective Bargaining Makes Them Just A Bunch Of People Wearing Identical T-Shirts"
Feb 25, 2011 at 2:02 AM
DailyBail in Public Employees, comedy, comedy, comedy video, daily show, jon stewart, jon stewart, protest, teachers unions, unions, video, wisconsin
Crisis In Dairyland - Stewart on the Wisconsin union protests - Feb. 22, 2011
Don't assume anything before you watch this. Stewart attacks both sides for melodrama and the media for revolutionary hyperbole, in a thorough look at the events in Wisconsin.
- "Is it the same as people in the Middle East overthrowing years of dictatorship? Or is that just the last story you saw on the news?"
- "That can't be right. Take away a union's collective bargaining rights? I believe that makes them just a bunch of people wearing identical T-shirts."
- "Do you see what's happening here?! The Wisconsin union protest is the bizarro Tea Party! Yes! You've all seen that episode of 'Super Man'."
Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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