James Carville On DEMS Strategy To Hold The House: "The Father, The Son & The Holy Ghost" (WATCH)
Jul 13, 2010 at 2:42 PM
DailyBail in elections, james carville, politics, politics, video, video

ABC News video embedding is among the worst around -- small box, no customization, so you might as well watch it at ABC where it's full size.  Carville drops the quote near the end, after the 5-minute mark.  The subtext of the sit-down is a new ABC poll showing a majority of voters think the GOP should run Congress, which obviously makes Stephanopolous extremely uncomfortable.

I can't stand arrogant party hacks from either side.  This clip has three.  Here's a hint to both parties:

Stop the wars.

Stop the bailouts.

Stop the stimulus.

Cut the deficit.

Win the election.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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