Iowa Caucus Results - Sarah Palin Warns GOP Establishment Not To Ignore Ron Paul
Jan 4, 2012 at 1:25 AM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, 2012 election, ron paul, ron paul, sarah palin, sarah palin

Video - Ron Paul talks to supporters after strong showing in Iowa

Sarah Palin: GOP better not marginalize Ron Paul and his supporters


Paul on third-place finish: 'Nothing to be ashamed of'

Rick Santorum's Nephew Endorses Ron Paul, Criticizes Uncle Rick

Ron Paul Finishes 3rd In Iowa at 22%

Romney or Santorum?- Still Too Close To Call

Speech - Perry Will "Reassess" Future Of Campaign After Fifth-Place Finish

Fraud? - Tonight’s Iowa Vote Count Takes Place At Secret Location

Rachel Maddow: Why other Republicans don't compete for Ron Paul supporters

Ron Paul Explains His Appeal to Young Voters - It's The Constitution, Stupid!

"Iowa's Choice: Liberty or Death (Ron Paul 2012 Rap Song)" - Youtube

VIDEO - CNN Cuts Off Soldier Who Voted For Paul and Spoke Out Against More War!

UPDATE - Romney Wins Iowa Caucus by 8 Votes




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