HOT LINKS: Lawmaker Wants To Be Paid In Gold
Nov 15, 2012 at 12:10 PM
DailyBail in Euro Crisis, Europe, economy, economy, euro currency, europe, gold, gold, links, links

IT'S OFFICIAL - Europe falls into second recession since 2009

Chinese Yuan Hits Record High Against US Dollar

Lawmaker asks to be paid in gold

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Cuts 5% of Workforce...

REPORT - Jobless Claims Spike To Highest Level In 18 Months!

SURPRISE: Highest number of new jobless claims -- OH, PA

Poverty Rate Surges, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected

Inflation Report Nudges Higher

'Godfather Rahm' lashes out; Records reporters' phone conversations

Obama says: 'Temperature around globe increasing faster than was predicted'

Report: 'Global warming stopped 16 years ago'...

DENNY'S to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours

Documents reveal claims of nepotism, fraud, child porn inside CIA...

Police use taser on man trying to keep neighbor's house fire from spreading to his own

Doctors use brain-scan machine to communicate with man in coma

BIG SIS to Monitor FACEBOOK, TWITTER For 'Bioterrorism and Pandemics'

Bolivian City to Castrate Rapists and Cut Off Hands of Thieves

Man distraught over presidential election kills himself

Al Sharpton refuses to support recount for Allen West

Manhattan High-Rise Going On 17 Days Without Power; Stench Of Rotten Eggs...


Photos by William Banzai7...

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