Home Sales Down Big In Foreclosureville USA - Robo Judges At Work Inside Florida's Foreclosure Factories
Nov 30, 2010 at 1:00 AM
DailyBail in FRAUD, cnn video, florida, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure fraud, housing, housing, housing bubble, real estate, rocket docket

CNN Video - Retired judges in Florida run a temporary foreclosure court, a rocket docket.  Links inside demonstrate the recent carnage in the foreclosure market.  Bubble states are in a standstill.  Here's another angle on the process...


Foreclosure scandal impact: Sales dry up - CNN

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Big banks are having trouble restarting the foreclosure process after this fall's "robo-signing" scandal, and the once booming market for foreclosed homes has been hit hard as a result.

According to ForeclosureRadar, the number of properties coming to auction in hard-hit western states -- Arizona, California and Nevada -- has dropped more than 30%.

In San Diego, according to broker Scott Cheng of Cheng Realty, who puts investors together with foreclosed properties, the number of auctions scheduled has fallen from 500 a day, to 300. "That part of my business has dried up," Cheng said. "A lot of my investors have stopped looking."

Cheng used to be able to find about three or four suitable homes a month for investors looking for a bargain. Now, he hasn't done one of these deals since August.

"The ones who are really upset are the investors, who buy on the courthouse steps," said Kevin Berman, a broker with Bankers Realty Services in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "There used to be sometimes 700 sales a day. Now there are like, seven." 


New home sales: Down 80% from the boom - CNN

Foreclosure mess scares off homebuyers - Housing Wire



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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