Hillary Clinton Fires The First Shot For 2012: "Rising National Debt Is A Threat To National Security" (VIDEO)
Nov 29, 2010 at 3:31 PM
DailyBail in 2012, Federal Bankruptcy, Hillary Clinton, federal debt, federal deficit, hillary clinton, national debt, national security, obama, video, video

Flashback clip for those who missed it the first time around.

Video:  Hillary seems to call Obama a 'weak President' -- Aired Sep. 8, 2010


Longer version of the clip above.  Offers more detail.


Video:  Dick Morris says the comments were Hillary's opening salvo for 2012


Fox News Video:  Monica Crowley reacts to Hillary's comments

Is the national debt a threat to national security?


Comment from SNK who blogs at Sonic Ninja Kitty

Furthermore, you should never offer to a recovering addict a sip of the toxin they once recklessly imbibed. Shame on you for offering, and shame on me for taking the bait, but I just cannot resist taking a swipe at the salacious pseudo feminism so vigorously proffered by the PUMAnistas. Dammit, SOMEBODY's got to do it!!

Here's the take: Hillary is a different rat. Still, she is a rat. Runner of the same damned freaking rat race. Same as it ever was.

The PUMAs are sheeple. At first glance they are fluffier and sweeter sheeple than the other sheeple, but they are sheeple all the same. They admire a chick with big brains and bigger balls, which Hillary certainly has. That woman could crush Sith Lloyd Blankfein before breakfast and finish off Bernanke, Geithner and Summers before mid morning snack time, if she really wanted. Dang, she is so good at what she does! SO GOOD!! {somebody slap me--3 deep breaths--get it together SNK!}

Problem is, when you challenge the PUMAs to scratch beyond the surface they will thwack you so hard your head will spin 6 ways till two weeks from next Sunday and then some. They give No Quarter (anyone here get that one? ha ha). They will absolutely REFUSE to examine her stances on sound money, the banker/politician cabal (oh, the irony of her firing her first shot in front of a CFR backdrop--nauseatingly creeptastic), and the debt-war cycle. Yet these are the things that are TRULY critical to ALL our futures. I'll tell you her stances: hates it, loves it, loves it. Disgusting.

Hillary will probably be our next president. She and her loyal PUMAs will lead us the rest of the way, skipping and throwing rose petals, into a collapsed currency, if we don't get to if before then. It may be a fluffier, sweeter collapse than we're all currently anticipating, but an unmitigated disaster nonetheless. They will then guide us into an even more 'caring' (argh--I cannot take all this 'caring'!), even larger and farther reaching 'because they are smarter and more wonderful than you stupid little people' government, depriving us of even MORE sovereignty and personal liberties than ever before, and plunging us further into debt slavery to our self anointed savior-criminals. Goodbye Thomas Jefferson, too bad you were a dude and not a chick:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Is THAT what PUMAs want for our country? Guess so. PUMAs don't understand the real power and control mechanisms underlying our society. PUMAs ignore it because they are too busy feeling good about the fact their female leader has balls and brains. This makes me wonder. What the hell happened to these women that they are so blind and ignorant as to be satisfied with only those superficial qualities? Who destroyed their hearts so much so that they would settle for the smaller sphere of 'women's rights' over the larger and all inclusive sphere of LIBERTY FOR ALL?!? That is: F-O-R A-L-L. AAAALLLLLLLLLLLL. Pseudo feminism. Blech.

Any questions?


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