HILARIOUS: White House Budget Director Peter Orszag Heckled During Brookings Institution Speech (VIDEO)
Jul 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM
DailyBail in bianna golodryga, comedy, comedy video, federal debt, federal deficit, peter orszag, video

The heckler breaks into a song.  No, I'm not kidding.  Heres the first verse:

And then his mic goes dead.  You can see he attempts to sing the remainder of the lyrics so that Orszag hears him.  If he puts the entire song on Youtube, I'll post it later.

Strange thing is, before starting this site, I would not have found this clip particularly funny.  Now having become jaded beyond comprehension, I think it's a freaking riot.  Small victories, taunting the opposition, stupid songs, they all appeal to the base individual I have become.

Here's the deal with Orszag -- he's the first major Obama appointee to bolt, having announced his departure last month.  This in fact was his last speech as head of OMB.  Extra sweet.  Orszag is a deficit hawk and when he signed on, I don't think he planned to head OMB during the greatest deficit spending splurge in our nation's history, and with his new marriage, he had an easy excuse to leave Obama and go make some cash worthy of his hot, new wife.

Video:  Bianna Golodryga -- start at the 50-second mark to avoid Cramer.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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