Hey Kids, Wake Up To The Deficit -- It’s Time for Young Americans to Fight Back (By 14 Year-Old Lyda Loudon)
Mar 4, 2010 at 12:08 PM
DailyBail in debt and deficits, federal debt, federal deficit, lyda loudon, tea party

From Big Journalism

By Lyda Loudon

I don’t know about you – but I’ve watched in awe as the Tea Party movement has taken America by a storm. People have questioned the authenticity of the Tea Party movement. People have called us all kinds of names. Nancy Pelosi called the Tea Party movement “Astroturf.” People have slandered us, tackled us, and yet the Tea Party movement has stood its ground, and is stronger than ever. I for one, feel the Tea Party is here to stay.

But not only is it important that people show up at the Tea Parties today, it’s important that they continue to show up down the road, because the problems we’re fighting aren’t going away just yet. But how can we guarantee that people will continue to show up? Is the Tea Party movement going to diminish over time? Here’s what I’m doing to ensure that people keep showing up at the Tea Parties, get informed and continue to hold politicians responsible…

Is the Tea Party only for adults? NO. An effort has been launched to get not only the adults who are falling into debt involved, but the people who are going to have to pay for this insurmountably massive debt in the future: the kids. Yep, the kids. We are the ones picking up the tab for the spending happening today. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this.

No joke. At the moment, every American citizen is in debt $250,000. THAT, my friend, is scary.

Maybe we should reconsider our priorities and time allotment.  I think it is time for kids to set aside the Wii and give ten minutes per day to the future that we are building for ourselves, and our children and grand children.  Do you really want to look back in ten or 20 years, and know that you took that extra nap, sent that extra text message, or played that extra video game, while you could have been instrumental in saving our Republic?


Check out Tea Party Youth  >>


We can’t vote yet, but we can rally each other to be active in politics.  YOU can write letters to the editor. YOU can hold a candidates forum in your community (the primary is the real place to change elections).  YOU can join an effort, have fun, and arm yourself with information to reclaim our country. Adults listen to us more than you think.

Speaker Pelosi calls this massive debt imposed on us “investing in the future.” Ummmm, am I missing something? I was at the mall the other day, and I saw this awesome sweater in American Eagle. I really wanted to buy it, but was like… ten bucks short. I could have gone to another store, found my mom and given her that sweet, girly expression while saying, “Mom, I really love this sweater. Just ten more bucks, and it’s an investment in my future!” But, since I was out of money, I chose to wait until I could reorganize my budget, and then buy it when I could afford it. I now have all I need, and just need to go back to buy the thing. I remain without cute sweater-related debt.

Kids today need to wake up and learn the issues. Realize that you can play a larger role in America than just “going-green.” Talk to your parents about how the debt and economy are affecting them. Talk to your parents about how the debt and economy are affecting YOU. Because whether you feel it right now or not – it is affecting you. It is stealing your opportunities. This is scary, but the Tea Party Youth is here to help. Wanna be a part of it? Do you want to play a role in this history-making, culture-changing revolution? Check out www.teapartyyouth.org, Tea Party Youth on Facebook, and @teapartyyouth on Twitter. And get in the game!



Lyda Loudon is the 14-year-old founder of National Tea Party Youth, along with her co-founder, Cole Campbell. She is also the co-founder of Concerned YOUNG Women for America. Lyda was home schooled in her father's Senate office (John Loudon, MO-ret.) in Missouri, along with her four siblings. She writes for Daily Caller High School, has contributed to PJTV, and enjoys aquatic sports, travel, songwriting, competing in scholarship pageants, and all things political.




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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