Guess Which Fed President Owns Over $1 Million in Gold...?
Oct 18, 2012 at 1:25 PM
DailyBail in links, links

Afternoon links:

PHOTOS: Lawn Chairs For President

Jobless claims snap back higher

Guess Which Fed President Owns Over $1 Million in Gold...?

Cost of War - 2000 Thru 2012

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CHART: The facts about oil and gas under Obama

Morgan Stanley CEO Says: 'We have too many overpaid bankers'

Iran Plans Strait Of Hormuz Oil Spill - Business Insider

Baggage handler gets 3 life sentences for global drug smuggling ring

Saudi Textbooks Incite Hate - The Daily Beast

Doomsday Cycle Targets America Next - Paul Farrell

GREAT PHOTOS - Google Opens Window Into Secretive Data Center

Obama's Green Failure - A123 Bankrupt After Collecting Hundreds Of Millions



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