GETTING HEATED: Dylan Ratigan & Wall Street Apologist Judd Gregg Argue The Finer Points Of Bailout Payback (MUST SEE VIDEO)
May 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM
DailyBail in Dylan Ratigan, TARP, TARP investigation, bailout, dylan ratigan, dylan ratigan video, federal reserve, judd gregg, tarp, video, video, wall street reform, wall street reform


Video:  Ratigan & Senator Judd Gregg -- May 4, 2010

Have been saving this one for Friday afternoon.  There is no love lost between truth and fiction in this clip.  If you're in a hurry, start at the 5:20 mark, where Ratigan starts to get fired up about the hidden bailout and Gregg's denials.  My sympathies extend to Dylan -- it would not be easy to listen to the constant Wall Street b.s. without occasionally getting angry at the system and Senators who obfuscate.

Hey Judd, as I lift a Friday afternoon cold, adult beverage, let me toast to the thought that this will be your last term in the Senate.  You're a captured Wall Street bastard, and we're better off without you.

And nice work protecting the 100-year secrecy of the Fed, you freaking troglodyte.




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