Gasparino: 'Occupy Wall Street Is Marxist Epicenter'
Oct 18, 2011 at 1:11 AM
DailyBail in #OccupyyWallStreet, #ows, Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, charlie gasparino, wall street, wall street protests

Video - Gasparino on Occupy Wall Street - Oct. 17, 2011

For all the readers who loathe the protests, here's your clip.  Congratulations, you have Wall Street shill Charlie Gasparino on your side.  We've never maintained that there aren't a wide variety of views to be found in Zucotti Park, but over the past few weeks we've shown you dozens of examples of anit-Fed, anti-bailout capitalists roaming the park and speaking out. Gasbag lunges for the stereotype and throws all the protesters under one label, thus making it easier for Fox viewers to disregard and disparage everything and everyone associated with the movement.

It's just not that simple as pages and pages of this website have revealed.

Gasbag quotes inside.


“I did some reporting,” Gasparino told Fox News anchor Jenna Lee. “All you have to do is walk through there to see that there is an underlying ideology and it’s handed out in pamphlets and newspapers.”

“What we’re talking about here is a way where the government controls the economy. That’s the underlying message that’s coming from this protest… That’s one of the problems here. They are using what is obviously an outrage that everybody agrees with. Wall Street got bailed out, we have a horrible economy and they are using that to promote a philosophy that is quite — is basically anti-American. We’re talking about Marxists here.”

He added: “It’s not just protest Wall Sreet. It’s protest Wall Street and it’s an embrace of communism and there is no doubt about it.”

“If [President Barack Obama] keeps saying nice things about the protesters, the debate among business types and voters won’t be whether the president has some socialist leanings, but how much virtue he sees in the thoughts of Karl Marx.”


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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