Gasparino Demands Lloyd Blankfein's Resignation (On-Air Video)
Nov 25, 2009 at 4:35 PM
DailyBail in bailout, charlie gasparino, cnbc video, cnbc video, goldman sachs, goldman sachs, lloyd blankfein, video, video, wall street, wall street

This post originally appeared on the author's blog Sonic Ninja Kitty


A-Ghast and A-Gaspin’, Glass-Jawed Gasparino Goes for the Gusto

Wow!  What is happening over at CNBC?  Wednesday they had this guy Gasparino calling for the Goldman Sachs CEO to step down.  Thursday morning it was Elizabeth Warren with another stellar report on TARP oversight.  Today (Friday) their morning crew was actually discussing Fed transparency intelligently.  And they keep playing that clip of Geithner sputtering and stuttering in defense of his job.  ROFL!  Seems like CNBC is getting it–somewhat–finally.

Well, following is my foray into funky financial in-forming.  I don’t know why it all makes me ache to alliterate—maybe it’s the subversive Suessian subtext of the silly skylarking from these supposed adults, maybe I’ve been watching too much CNBC, maybe I’m getting the wacky world of Dr. Seuss confused with CNBC.  Whatever it is, these are interesting times.

Let us start with the clip.  Partial transcript below.  So sayeth CNBC:

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CNBC Video: Charlie Gasparino Calls For Lloyd Blankfein To Resign -- Aired November 18

After a substantial spanking from Janet Tavakoli who disparaged him as a ‘glass jawed financial entertainer’, The Gasper may have finally grown a pair.  Attending’s Boardroom Leader’s Forum, 2009, scrutiny replaces credulity and analysis replaces stuffing your face withfoie gras et les petits filets (I am assuming they don’t have Subway caterles sandwiches to these events).  Gasparino finally gets it and gets growling:

So now you’re looking out for the little guys, Charlie?  Gee, thanks–it’s about time.

Charlie: what, pray tell, IS something that is not the truth?  A ‘mistake’?  And Blankfein managed the company so poorly, with so little foresight and care, making such huge mistakes that it ‘HAD’ to have help?  So tell me–is that why he was being honored as “2009 CEO of the Year” and his firm, Goldman Sachs, as “the best performing and best governed company in the Fortune 500”?  [I am not kidding.]  Most normal people have been seeing for months this does not add up.  At least you are starting to get it now, Charlie.

Host Melissa Francis tries to claim Blankfein made a lot of money for shareholders, but The Gasper grabs that thought and grinds it into garbage(here’s where it gets really good):

Well done, Gasper, welcome to the real world.  Good call.


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