FLASHBACK: California Democrat Attacks His Own Party For Big Government Spending: "It's All Junk, Just Stop It!"
Aug 31, 2012 at 1:49 AM
DailyBail in Public Employees, bill lockyer, california, california, deficits, government spending, pension reform, pension timebomb, video

This is a great clip:

"It's all junk!  Just stop it..."

State Treasurer Democrat Bill Lockyer throws a fit about wasteful spending.

Taking another look at this classic clip in the wake of this news yesterday.

The former legislative leader and former attorney general is no stranger to bold speaking.  Lockyer has suggested that one way to remove the effects of money in elected politics is to pick the legislature by lottery.  He proposed the University of California system be cut loose from state funding and allow it to survive on foundation grants, alumni giving, tuitions and research contracts.  At the Milken Institute conference earlier last week, Lockyer said the state needed a spending limit.

California Dems Strike $30 Billion Pension Reform Deal, Public Employee Unions 'Furious'...



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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