Fed Announces QE2, Stocks Can Only Go Up
Nov 13, 2010 at 11:10 AM
DailyBail in federal reserve, federal reserve, quantitative easing, quantitative easing, stock market, stock market

Video - Not bad work at all...


US allies take hit from QE2  

With one desperate economic measure - the second quantitative easing or QE2 - the United States threatens to undo many of its victories won in its campaign to "Return to Asia" and reassert America's place at the heart of the Asian diplomatic, security, and military equation.

Many of America's allies, friends, and acquaintances in the region are being pummeled by the weakening US dollar, as is the designated competitor - and most likely target - China.

But China, by virtue of its rather closed financial markets, managed currency, rigid political controls, and acknowledged strategic rivalry with the United States, is probably better equipped to withstand the pressure of a devaluing dollar than the free-market nations that are America's allies.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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