Fannie Silence Creates $3B Fraud, Zombie Notes NEVER Die, GSEs Dump Inventory, Trump Schools BofA, Flipping 300 Homes For $3M Profit, MASSIVE Mortgage Fraud In MASS, NY AG Wants To Stop Deal With Banks (Links)
Jul 2, 2011 at 3:43 PM
DailyBail in FRAUD, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure fraud, fraudclosure, housing, housing, housing bubble, links, links

'Zombie notes' haunt deed transfers - Thousands affected by Fannie Mae tactics

Fannie Mae Silence Creates $3 Billion Mortgage Fraud - Bloomberg

Fannie and Freddie aggressively liquidating their housing inventory at REDUCED prices

Prominent Congressman's Home a Detroit Eyesore - Guess Who?

Detroit Man Flips 300 Foreclosed Homes In Eight Months For A $3 Million Profit

Donald Trump Schools Bank Of America In Luxury Foreclosure Deal

Complete Details And Links On $1 Billion In New Help For Troubled Homeowners - $50,000 Government Loans Available In 27 States - This program was announced late last week. You might as well see if you qualify as long as the government is giving the money away at low-interest with NO RECOURSE.

MASSIVE FRAUD - In Just One Massachusetts County, 75% Of Mortgage Assignments Are Invalid - Officials Press State AG To Stop Foreclosure Settlement Talks 

New York Attorney General STRONGLY Opposes States' Foreclosure Fraud Deal - And He Is Vowing To Stop it




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