Euromess Update: Germany's Dilemna On Greece, Whether To Bail OR Quarantine
Feb 9, 2010 at 7:46 PM
DailyBail in Euro Crisis, bailout, eu, germany, greece, links, spain

Germany has 2 choices (the market panic of the past week took away their 3rd option - waiting): bailout Greece and introduce moral hazard into the increasingly weak Euro Union, OR let Greece fail, bring in the IMF and their austerity programs to handle it, and move quickly to limit any spread of fear into Spanish, Portuguese and Irish debt.

Five best links of the day on this story are inside  >>


Berlin looks to build Greek ‘firewall’ (Most recent from the FT)  >>

Germany Considers Loan Guarantees for Greece (WSJ)  >>

Germany Outlines Greek Aid Measures on Eve of European Summit (Bloomberg)  >>

Greek Strikes Challenge Papandreou’s Bid to Stop Fiscal Crisis  >>

Greece Says Call for Aid Would Send ‘Worst Signal’  >>


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