Eric Holder's Legacy: The Divine Right Of Criminal Bankers
Apr 8, 2016 at 1:13 AM
DailyBail in AIG Bailout, Bank Bailouts, FRAUD, Wall Street Bailout, department of justice, doj, eric holder, eric holder, goldman sachs, john titus, lanny breuer, video, wall street, wall street corruption, wall street. banks


By John Titus, Producer of Bailout Films

The abject failure of the nation's top law enforcement officer to enforce the law against top-level bankers in the wake of a $10 trillion financial crisis is notorious. Less well-known are (1) the astounding lengths to which Eric Holder's Department of Justice has gone to protect criminal banks, which just so happen to be clients of his law firm Covington & Burling, (2) the degree to which the rule of law has been subverted (it's been destroyed; we have been living under the rule of man, officially, for some time), and (3) the broader implications of Holder's reign on U.S. national sovereignty (quite grave).

This video explores all three topics and more.



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