Drunken Fight With Girlfriend Results In Wall Street Analyst Allegedly Being Raped By NYPD
Dec 7, 2010 at 12:45 PM
DailyBail in bizarre story, wall street, wall street

Prosecutors say Johnson’s jeans had “a hole torn through the seat and lab results confirming his DNA was on a skinny, retractable police baton.” The defense claims there are holes in Johnson’s story because he can’t identify who did what he alleges to him (perhaps because his face was on the floor) and because “he was wearing underwear and, low and behold, the underwear has no hole in it.”

"When I was face down ... my legs were held and I felt a sharp jabbing pain into my rectum," Johnson testified.  A doctor who examined Johnson testified that he saw abrasions and oozing blood that were "consistent with what he said happened to him."

Johnson says, who is seeking unspecified damages, says he initially didn’t want to go forward with the allegations because he was worried the police “would put me on the news [and that] they would contact my employer and all my clients.”

Source - Dealbreaker via CBS




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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