Dr. Doom Marc Faber: It's Only A Matter Of Time Until The U.S. Debt Bomb Explodes
Jan 13, 2010 at 12:35 PM
DailyBail in Federal Bankruptcy, china, deficit, federal debt, federal debt, federal deficit, gold, marc faber, video, video


source:  Clusterstock


Featured comments:

I love the way the American media insists on casting economic forecasters like Faber, Schiff, Taleb and Roubini all as "Drs Doom" simply because the have the foresight & clarity to accurately predict what's coming down the pipeline ..along with the cojones to bravely call things by their REAL name.

Just imagine when this stupid tendency to gang-up on negative-news-purveyors goes mainstream ! Air traffic controllers will be called "pessimists" for asking pilots to "change course NOW in order to avoid a head-on collision!". Dentists will be labeled "Black Swans" for telling us that that rotten tooth has GOT to go or otherwise we risk a massive infection. Plumbers will be branded as "Naysayers" for telling us that the backed-up toilet needs to get unclogged or we risk an explosion of excrement all over the bathroom floor.



Who cares what the press says about the guy?  He can aptly describe the most efficient way to get drunk in Thailand!  That is someone I trust!

Oberron 4 Life





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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