Video - Donald Trump at CPAC 2011 - Feb. 10, 2011
Big mistake, Donald. You want to know who's got zero chance? Look in the mirror, buddy. Awesome crowd reaction from the Ron Paul faithful.
From the cheap seats, Ron Paul supporters react to Trump...
This is entertaining.
Trump's complete CPAC 2011 speech...
He wants to be your President...
“The United States has become a whipping post for the rest of the world…There is a reason why the United States is the laughing stock of the world.”
“This country is in serious trouble…Our current president came out of nowhere. In fact I will go a step further. The people that went to school with him never saw him, they don’t know who he is, it’s crazy…. With no track record”
“We don’t have free trade, I am a fair trade believer, I love open markets.”
“Worse than China worse than everyone; OPEC they are ripping us.”
“High oil and gas prices and how we have no one assigned to beating the oil price down to a reasonable rate.”
“So you have to watch OPEC, you have to tell OPEC those prices are coming down.”
Trump also addressed how he thought it was an April fools joke that Germany just bought the NYSE.
The Donald gets kissed by Rudy Giulianni in drag on SNL...
This was a poor career decision...
In 1991, unable to pay a $3.5 billion loan, Donald declared business bankruptcy. Not even a year later, Trump Plaza Hotel folded and Donald had to declare bankruptcy again. The saga didn’t stop there. In 2004, Donald filed for bankruptcy protection and restructured his debt. Unfortunately the reemergence didn’t last long. On February 17th 2009, Donald Trump filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with a debt ratio of $50 million in assets to his $500 million in debt.
Donald you are just like Congress, you have spent your life spending more than you bring in and living on somebody else’s dime.