David Stockman: 'Bernanke Killed The Financial Markets'
Sep 17, 2012 at 10:25 PM
DailyBail in CNBC, Debt & Deficit, National Debt, cnbc, cnbc video, cnbc video, david stockman, debt, deficit, deficit, economy, fed, federal reserve, federal reserve, national debt, national debt watch, ron paul, ron paul, squawk box

Former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman on Squawk Box last Monday, 3 days before Bernanke unleashed $40 billion in additional monthly Qeternity.

"Ron Paul is the only one who is right about the Fed, and the Fed is the heart of the problem."

"Politicians will never make the tough decisions to solve the debt crisis as long as the Fed keeps printing free money."

"Ron Paul is the only one who is right about the Fed, and the Fed is the heart of the problem.  The Fed has destroyed the capital markets and the money markets.  Interest rates mean nothing.  Everything is trading off the Fed and Wall Street isn't even home.   It's just a bunch of computers trading word-clouds emitted by this central banker or that."

"In this environment everyone is being given the wrong signal.  The Fed and the lunatics that run it are telling the whole world untruths about the cost of money and the price of risk.  The Ryan-Romney campaign is about restoring vibrant capitalism.  How can you do that when the financial markets are dead - the lifeblood of a capitalist system."


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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