Currency Wars - How Bernanke, Geithner & QE2 Are Hyperventilating The Globe
Nov 26, 2010 at 2:02 PM
DailyBail in bernanke, bernanke, currency, dollar, fed, federal reserve, federal reserve, federal reserve investigation, geithner, geithner, qe, qe2, quantitative easing

Three monks were walking back from a Dharma teaching with their Master.  As they arrived back at their village they noticed a flag on a post, fluttering in the wind.  The first student looks up says, "I see a flag flapping."  The next student looks up and, trying to out-do the first, says, "No, I see the wind flapping."  The third student even more sure of his superior understanding, glances up and says, "I see the mind flapping."

Then their Master looks up and says, "And I see mouths flapping!"


The opening paragraph of...



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