Chris Whalen On Financial Reform: Goldman Might Give Up Bank Holding Company Status (VIDEO)
Jun 28, 2010 at 12:00 AM
DailyBail in banks, banks, chris whalen, derivatives, financial reform, goldman sachs, video, wall street reform

Video:  Chris Whalen with the CNBC Fast Money crew -- Friday June 25, 2010

Always helpful to hear from Whalen.  There is no better pure banking analyst anywhere.  Barry Ritholtz is part of the discussion.

By the way there is rumbling tonight that the much ballyhooed financial reform bill could be in trouble.  There are 2 problems -- Scott Brown is angry about $18 billion in last minute taxes, and Robery Byrd is gravely ill, thus endangering the Democrats 60-vote core. 

It's still not clear that Byrd that Byrd couldn't vote by proxy, or pull some other "I've been here for six decades" maneuver.  I've always assumed he would continue voting once dead, anyway, so I can't imagine a mere hospital stay would stop him.








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