Chris Whalen: Bank Bailouts 2.0 Is Coming - All Major U.S. Banks Will Need Restructuring, Government Receivership
Sep 30, 2010 at 3:59 AM
DailyBail in Bank Bailouts, bank bailouts, bank of america, bankis, banks, banks, chris whalen, chris whalen, chris whalen interview, tarp

Audio:  The best banking analyst on the planet Chris Whalen

He's completely serious. Time frame is 12-24 months.  Listen to the first 5 minutes.  All due to a new massive wave of foreclosures.  Whalen expects something similar to the European banking model with heavy government ownership and involvement.


Geithner and Summers are repeatedly mentioned for their failures.



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Bailout Protestor

He's completely serious. Time frame is 12-24 months.  Listen to the first 5 minutes.



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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