Bulletin: CNBC Anchor Mark Haines Dead At 65 (Greatest Hits Video Collection)
May 25, 2011 at 11:59 AM
DailyBail in CNBC, cnbc, cnbc video, mark haines, video

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(MarketWatch) — CNBC anchor Mark Haines, a constant presence on business television for more than 20 years, died suddenly Tuesday evening, the business network said on its website Wednesday morning.

He was 65 years old.

Haines died at his home, CNBC said. He helped to create the cable channel’s morning program, “Squawk Box,” and served as its founding anchor.

“He was very important to CNBC because the great danger they face is that they’ll be perceived as a cheerleader for the markets,” said Andrew Tyndall, an analyst of news broadcasts.

“The fact that he was in that prestige spot, before the market opened, to say, ‘Let’s cut through all the rah-rah stuff and find out what’s really going on,’ was very valuable to that network,” he added. “And now, without him, there’s one less person to steer CNBC away from that cheerleading tone.”

Before joining CNBC in 1989, Haines held news anchor jobs at KYW-TV in Philadelphia, WABC-TV in New York and WPRI-TV in Providence, R.I.


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Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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