BOMBSHELL: Wikileaks Will Unveil Major U.S. Banking Scandal In Early 2011 - "An Ecosystem Of Corruption"
Nov 30, 2010 at 3:50 AM
DailyBail in Scandal, Whistleblowers, Wikileaks, bank fraud, banks, banks, goldman sachs, julian assange, wikileaks, wikileaks banking scandal, wikileaks banks

This is going to be huge, and my gut says Goldman Sachs, based on Assange's comments inside.  This will not make Dr. Bernanke and Tim Geithner very happy, as they have worked tirelessly to cover-up Wall Street fraud since the Bear Stearns bailout.  And if you thought the Pentagon was pushing hard to shut down Wikileaks, wait until the Federal Reserve gets involved. 

It's not inconceivable that the Fed itself could one day be a Wikileaks target, and so better to destroy the enemy now.


Source - Forbes

Source - Reuters

First WikiLeaks spilled the guts of government.  Next up: The private sector, starting with one major American bank.  In an exclusive interview, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Forbes that his whistleblower site will release tens of thousands of documents from a major U.S. financial firm in early 2011.  Assange said the documents could "take down a bank or two."

Assange mentioned Goldman Sachs by name in the interview, but did not confirm the Wall Street giant will be the target of the leak.  Assange wouldn’t say exactly what date, what bank, or what documents, but he compared the coming release to the emails that emerged in the Enron trial, a comprehensive look at a corporation’s bad behavior.

Assange also told the magazine that his group has material on many businesses and governments, including in Russia, and that it has some documents on pharmaceutical companies, which he did not identify.

Read the complete interview at Forbes...


Bill Black has made the case recently that Bernanke and Geithner are actively working to hide bank fraud...





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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