Biden Says: 'If It Weren't So Hot I'd Go Into Detail On How America's Better Off Now' (VIDEO)
Sep 4, 2012 at 6:28 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, Joe Biden, joe biden, obama, politics, video

While at a campaign event in Detroit, VP Joe Biden is forced to respond to the question of whether Americans are better off under Obama (Sep. 3, 2012).

It's not hot, Joe, it's just your brain on drugs.

Here's just a handful of abysmal numbers over the last four years. Keep in mind that the cancerous deterioration in the economy has occurred despite the $800 billion stimulus, despite the $700 billion TARP bailout, and despite the Fed's injection of $16 TRILLION in lending to bail out the banks. What exactly do we have to show for this generosity to a handful of bankers?

Long-term unemployed: from 2.6 MM to 5.3 MM
Average gas price: from $1.90 to $3.86
Food stamp users: from 30.8 MM to 46.7 MM
Average home value: from $200K to $150K

The only people who are materially better off now than 4 years ago are criminal bankers whose frauds have been rewarded with endless bailouts that show no sign of abating.

After the last 4 years, if you're watching the political conventions wondering who the real sucker in the American Casino is, it's you.

Comment from Cheyenne



'The First Guy I Called Was Jon Corzine'


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