Bank of England governor Mervyn King warns government unions to accept cuts or 'fail your children' (VIDEO)
Sep 15, 2010 at 11:38 AM
DailyBail in Public Employees, debt and deficits, mervyn king, public-sector unions, uk, uk bailout, unions, video

Video runs 1 minute -- Speech -- Sep. 14, 2010

Debt and deficits run the show.  Too bad King Bernanke won't follow Mervyn's lead and make national debt issues a priority.  He's too busy printing.

Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, has urged the unions to accept public sector reforms and jobs cuts by warning that anything short of tackling the UK's record Budget deficit would “fail the next generation”.



Related story from this morning.  Seems the U.S. is not alone in the following regard.

The Office for National Statistics found that full-time public sector staff earned an average of £74 a week more than those in the private sector. Once employer pension contributions were included, the gap rose to £136, illustrating the generous pay-and-perks deals enjoyed by local and central government workers.

The findings threaten to undermine calls by the Trades Union Congress at its conference in Manchester this week for "civil disobedience" and co-ordinated strike action in protest against the Government's planned public sector spending cuts.









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