Bailout Comedy Video The Daily Show: Jon Stewart And Brian Williams Discuss Congress, Failed Banks, The FDIC And Twitter
Mar 5, 2009 at 2:42 AM
DailyBail in Bailout Comedy, bailout video, brian williams, economy, government bailout, politics, the daily show, the economy, twitter me this-how long until twitter loses it's appeal


Give your brain a break and watch some comedy.  This 7 minute video from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart features Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News.  They discuss politics, Congress, failed banks, the FDIC and even Twitter.

Though I maintain a Twitter account to broadcast our stories occasionally, I agree with Williams that few of our lives are interesting enough for personal Twitter updates.  Further, a certain unattractive self-importance is built into every message.  And for the update narcissists who tweet hourly as many do, the rest of just don't care to know that much about your life.

Put me in the category that believes Twitter will eventually collapse from the weight of too much useless information.



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