Nov 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM
DailyBail in email, rss, site housekeeping

Please update your subscriptions to include our new feature page Live Beat.  If you don't read it you're missing half the content.  There are 2 ways to subscribe:

by RSS


by Email

We have approximately 7,000 RSS subscribers and 6,000 email subs and so far about 15 of you have signed up for Live Beat.

And while I have your attention, let me clarify a few things about the feeds.  For email readers, Feedburner does NOT allow for videos to be inserted into the emails.  For this reason, we place a large 'Watch'  link in our video-stories so that you can get here and see the clip with 1 click.

For RSS readers, currently the new feature "Email To Multiple Friends At Once", does not work from within the RSS feed.  It simply emails a link to our RSS feed.  We are working on a fix.


To subscribe to our home page, click here for RSS, and here for EMAIL.

Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
See website for complete article licensing information.