Anthony Bologna - ANONYMOUS Identifies NYPD Officer Who MACED Innocent Wall Street Protesters
Sep 26, 2011 at 7:31 PM
DailyBail in #occupywallstreet, Wall Street Bailout, anonymous, anthony bologna, occupy wall street, protest video, video, wall street, wall street protests, wall street reform


As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you violently pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women.  We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior.  You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are.  Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice.  WE ARE WATCHING!!!  Expect Us!


Anthony Bologna

NYPD Deputy Inspector

Patrol Borough Manhattan South - 212-477-6181

Complete details and coverage below.


NY Mag

Details of senior New York police officer released online as protesters call for disciplinary action to be opened.

Anonymous has identified NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna as the man seen pepper-spraying two women unprovoked at the Occupy Wall Street protest over the weekend, but they're not just leaving it at that. The Internet vigilantes, using photographic evidence of Bologna on the scene and a close-up of his badge, wasted no time in putting together a file on the officer, including a possible phone number, addresses, and the names of his family members, warning ominously, "Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"

Occupy Wall Street spokesman Patrick Bruner told us today that he was made aware of Bologna's identity last night, but opted not to release it. "We hadn't yet come to a consensus on how to approach the situation, which we saw as potentially volatile," Bruner said. "To bring his family and his home into it is something I find personally unacceptable." But make no mistake: Bologna's actions were "demonic," Bruner stressed, and now that the officer's name is known, Occupy Wall Street is demanding the city take action.

Bruner said the protesters were considering organizing a citizen's arrest of Officer Bologna, but maintained that the group remains committed to nonviolence, even in the face of this "graphic" abuse of power. To counter the NYPD claim that the video was misleadingly edited, Occupy Wall Street has posted three different versions of the events, along with the following message: 

We demand that he is charged for his crimes. We demand that he receives jail time.

We demand that Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly resigns. Not only can he not control his most senior officers, he is involved in actively sheltering them from receiving any punishment.

We demand that Mayor Michael Bloomberg address our General Assembly and apologize for the police brutality and the cover-up that followed.

One protester who was hit by some of the spray writes today that, as she struggled to rinse her eyes, she heard another NYPD officer, a "blue-shirt," remark in disbelief, "I can't believe he just fucking maced her."

Chelsea Elliott, a 25-year-old protester hit directly by the spray, tells her side here and on video here.  (A 2001 report dug up by the intelligence blog Cyptome called Lieutenant Bologna "notorious for his previous treatment of protestors.")

In May of last year, Bologna was moved as the commanding officer of lower Manhattan's first precinct and reassigned to the Patrol Borough Manhattan South. "You do what they give you and you do your best," Bologna said at the time. "I'm looking forward to new challenges."

Watch the video here...


From Anonymous, details of a Civil Rights case naming Bologna from 2007.

Legal Trouble

Plaintiff:  Posr A. Posr

Defendants:  Tulio Camejo, Anthony Bologna, Michael R. Bloomberg, Raymond W. Kelly, Joseph J. Esposito, The City of New York and Connie Fishman

Case Number:  1:2007cv07583

Filed:  August 27, 2007

Court:  New York Southern District Court

Presiding Judge:  Judge P. Kevin Castel

Nature of Suit:  Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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