America Makes The World Fat, Super-Hero Michelle Obama Fights Back - Next Media Animation
Feb 18, 2011 at 11:21 PM
DailyBail in NMA video, comedy, comedy, comedy video, humor, michelle obama, obama, obesity, video

Super-hero Michelle battles Ronald McDonald, Burger King, Colonel Sanders and the lobby for corn subsidies.  This is classic.

Video - NMA - Michelle Obama fights obesity in America

First Lady Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign, Let’s Move, is one year old this week. She has already convinced Walmart to lower prices on fruit and vegetables and is in talks with the National Restaurant Association to downsize portions. But the real problem is corn subsidies, which make it cheaper to produce everything from beef to Coca Cola. Can Michelle Obama kill this sacred cow?

According to a recent study in The Lancet, the world is getting fatter and America is leading the way by exporting its bad eating habits to the rest of the world. Global obesity has doubled since 1980.


From earlier this week...





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