Alex Jones: Fall Of The Republic - Economic Takeover (DVD Trailer)
Oct 27, 2009 at 2:40 AM
DailyBail in alex jones, bailouts, bernanke, federal reserve, federal reserve, film trailer, henry paulson, larry summers, paulson, tim geithner, video, video, wall street

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There are several trailers for Alex Jones' new DVD Fall Of The Republic available on youtube, most of which I don't agree with or endorse.  Throw your spears Jones fans, but remember that you can not hurt what does not bleed.  I do appreciate his drive and passion for freedom, in a general sense.  This clip is focused on the Federal Reserve and Treasury.  Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, Summers, Bush And Obama are targets.  Video runs 2 minutes.


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There are several trailers for Alex Jones' new DVD Fall Of The Republic available on youtube, most of which I don't agree with or endorse.  Throw your spears Jones fans, but remember that you can not hurt what does not bleed.  I do appreciate his drive and passion for freedom, in a general sense.  This clip is focused on the Federal Reserve and Treasury.  Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, Summers, Bush And Obama are targets.  It runs 2 minutes.


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