Al Gore Gives The Most Depressing Graduation Speech Of All Time (WATCH)
May 19, 2010 at 4:42 PM
DailyBail in al gore, global warming, global warming, graduation speech, undefined, video, video

Video:  A cheerful Al Gore delivers the commencement address Saturday at the University of Tennessee -- May 15, 2010

If it weren't so depressing, it could possibly make you laugh.  Wait, that makes no sense.  Just watch it and you'll understand. And you knew of course that former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines owns the patent for a residential cap and trade exchange. And that Al Gore stands to make hundreds of millions if cap and trade is adopted. And that Goldman Sachs along with the other investment banks, plan to dominate the carbon trading market. 

Read more here and here.


Now watch Al Gore get ambushed by NWO Protestors at a book siging in Chicago (MUST SEE)  >>

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