Afternoon Reading (Plus Obama Cartoon, May 26, 2010)
May 26, 2010 at 2:35 PM
DailyBail in links, links

Obama Arizona Immigration Cartoon


AWESOME -- Make Goldman Sachs Give Back the $13 Billion!!!

TABLES TURNED -- Activists blast Mexico's immigration law (GREAT READ)

CHINA -- Prostitutes to Blame for Housing Bubble

NEW TOKYO SPEECH -- Bernanke Says Fed Must Be Free from Meddling

NEW WARNING -- Moody's Says Debt Level, Spending Pose Risk to U.S. AAA  Rating

Sestak-Obama White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'

Ambac closer to paying billions of dollars to banks

Regulators Push for Coordinated Global Rule on Bank Capital

FBI Arrests 2 for Trying to Sell Disney Earnings Info (Idiots Sent Letters!)

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Gets Multi-Year Prison Sentence

New York Pension Scandal -- Outrageous (must see)

Nuke the Oil Spill

If 'Top Kill' Fails, BP Will Resort To Firing Golf Balls Into The Leak

12 Senators named to work out bank reform bill in Conference with House

Larry Summers -- Second Stimulus Plan on the Horizon

ING Says Paying Principal on Mortgage Loans is Unnecessary (MISH)

Fed's Bullard: Euro crisis no Lehman-style shock

GOP Senator -- Obama Needs Valium

SC SCANDAL -- Purported Haley Text: 'You're The One Who Screwed Her'

Author writing about Sarah Palin moves NEXT DOOR to her

Rand Paul Plans Staff Shake Up after Gaffes

Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers

O'Keefe -- Conservative Phone Hack Plotters Plead Guilty

Tony Blair to earn millions as climate change adviser

Defiant Gov. Christie -- We're Not Raising Taxes!

Arizona Gets Border Soldiers; None for Texas

WOW: Researchers Achieve Quantum Teleportation Over 10 Miles of Empty Space

America's Most Dangerous Airlines




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