A Third Dr. Paul In Congress?: Dr. Robert Paul Considers Senate Run To Join Brother, Father (Video)
Apr 15, 2011 at 1:19 PM
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Video - Oklahoma City 2008 - The One-Family Freedom Machine

Ron Paul's son Robert considering a congressional run

Now a third Paul -- Robert, a doctor who runs a family medical practice in Benbrook and lives in Fort Worth -- is mulling a congressional bid of his own.

After campaigning for his father, most notably giving speeches during the elder Paul's 2008 presidential bid, Robert Paul is considering whether to jump into the race to replace Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison when her term expires in January 2013.

"I have thought about running," Robert Paul, one of five children, told the Star-Telegram. "I am very happy as a physician, but [I] have a lot of concern about the debt."



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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