32 Seconds Of Nassim Taleb Kicking Bob Rubin's Ass
Dec 1, 2010 at 1:16 PM
DailyBail in bailout opinion, bailout protest, bailout rant, bailout video, bank bailouts, bank bonuses, bob rubin, bonus, capture, citigroup, nassim taleb, socialism

Video: Taleb slams Rubin and Citigroup...

The Black Swan, Nassim Taleb points out how taxpayers paid for the losses at Citigroup AND subsidized Bob Rubin's bonuses.  Taleb also brings up two of my favorite topics of conversation: pitchforks and clawback.  OK, I imagined the pitchforks.  But why SHOULDN'T we claw back Bob Rubin's bonuses, Taleb demands to know. 

Good question, Mr. Taleb.  I'm sure we could think of other candidates for clawback, too: Paulson, Thain, Prince, O'Neil, Casanno, Blankfein, et al.


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